A Top Priority
Safety is always a top priority for any project. Reconstructing an entire plant comes with its hazards and safety concerns. The project team is committed to keeping everyone safe throughout the project.
The canyon will be closed from site #16, due to its being an active work site and staging area for construction equipment. The paved roadway will be removed to accommodate pipework happening at site #16 and above. Hunting will not be permitted during the project, which is expected to continue through May 2027.
Hazards include – debris, narrow pathways, low visibility, gravel roads, heavy equipment, noise, dust, and vibrations.

Minimizing Impacts

Bonneville Boulevard
Heavy Construction Traffic and Delays
Construction traffic will be two directional with flaggers at either end to allow vehicles to pass safely. ​
Public vehicles will still be allowed, but expect 10 – 15 minute delays.
Barrier Separating Pedestrians and Vehicles
In order to maintain recreational usage and safety, a Jersey Barrier will be in use to allow recreationists access. ​
Trail Access Maintained
Access to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail will be maintained throughout the project. ​
City Creek Canyon Road
Closed Nov. 16, 2023 – May 2027
Roadway above Bonneville Blvd.
Open weekends and holidays: Bikes and pedestrians only ​
Closed Monday – Friday
Roadway above Site #16 closed for the duration of the project due to pipework, which will remove the paved roadway.

For Your Use
All crossings onto City Creek Canyon Road will be closed
Follow posted signage
Stay on main trails at all times
Bonneville Shoreline Trail
Pipeline Trail
City Creek Canyon Trail
Upper Canyon Trails (Pipeline, Grandview, Bonneville Loop Trail, Meadow Trail, Smuggler's Gap, and North Fork Route)
Trails that require access across City Creek Canyon Road will be inaccessible Monday – Friday for the project's duration